Daniel Liden

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Using the ChatGPT API with Julia Part 2: Defining a Chat Struct

One of the things that makes working with the ChatGPT API a little different from working with, e.g., the davinci-text-003 model api is the need to maintain the history of a given chat session. A Julia Struct containing the chat history, coupled with a function that acts on that Struct, provides a good way to work with the ChatGPT API.

For the basics of working with the ChatGPT API, check out part 1.

Defining the Struct

A struct, also referred to as a composite type, is "a collection of named fields, an instance of which can be treated as a single value." By default, structs are immutable: they can't be modified after construction. This doesn't work for our use case because want to keep adding messages as the chat continues. So we'll use a mutable struct.

One obvious question: what should the named fields of the struct be? Should the struct define all of the behavior of the model (e.g. model choice, parameters such as temperature and max_tokens, etc.)? Or should it narrowly contain the message comprising the chat?

I think the latter approach makes the most sense. It's possible to change model parameters, and even the model itself, mid-chat. They are features of what we are doing to the chat, not of the chat itself.

With that in mind, here is a possible approach to a struct for ChatGPT.

    struct Chat

Represents a conversation between a user and a chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT.

# Fields

- `messages::Array{Dict{String, String}}`: An array of dictionaries representing the chat messages.

# Constructors

- `Chat(system_message::String="You are a helpful assistant")`: Create a new `Chat` object with a single system message.

# Example

chat = Chat("You are a helpful assistant.")
This creates a new Chat object with a single message representing the system message "You are a helpful assistant.".
mutable struct Chat
    messages::Array{Dict{String, String}}
    function Chat(system_message=nothing)
        if isnothing(system_message)
            system_message = "You are a helpful assistant"
        messages = [Dict("role" => "system", "content" => system_message)]

This struct includes an inner constructor. Inner Constructor Methods allow for the construction of self-referential objects. In this case, we want to be able to Initialize an instance of Chat with just the system message: we don't want to require the user to provide the whole messages array. That's where the self-referential part comes in. The inner constructor method takes an argument, system_message, nests it in a properly-formatted array of dictionaries, and, using the new function, creates a new instance of the Chat struct with the messages array constructed from the system_message.

We can now make a new chat instance, initialized with a system message, with:

julia_helper = Chat("You are a helpful assistant who knows a lot about writing Julia code")
Chat([Dict("role" => "system", "content" => "You are a helpful assistant who knows a lot about writing Julia code")])

Now that we have a method for keeping track of the chat history, we need to be able to act on it. For that, we'll define a function.

Defining the function

The purpose of this function is to:

  1. Get a prompt from the user
  2. Append that prompt to a Chat instance's messages array
  3. Query the ChatGPT API with the messages array, possibly with some parameters specifying e.g. the specific model to use, temperature, etc.
  4. Append the API response message to the Chat instance's messages array
  5. Return the API response.

This function acts on the Chat type. It modifies an instance of Chat in place. Here's the function:

    chat!(chat, message::String, api_key=ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]; kwargs...)

Add a new message to the chat history and get a response from the OpenAI GPT-3 API.

# Arguments

- `chat`: A `Chat` object representing the chat history.
- `message`: A string representing the user's message.
- `api_key::String=ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]`: Your OpenAI API key. If not provided, the function will attempt to get it from the `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable.
- `kwargs...`: Any additional keyword arguments to pass as part of the API request body.

# Returns

A string representing the response from the chatbot.

# Example

chat = Chat("You are a helpful assistant")
response = chat!(chat, "How are you?")

This adds a new message to the Chat object chat, representing the user's message "How are you?", and gets a response from the OpenAI ChatGPT API. The response from the chatbot is returned as a string in the response variable.
function chat!(chat::Chat, message::String, api_key=ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]; kwargs...)
    if isnothing(api_key)
        error("API key is required")
    headers = HTTP.Headers([
        "Authorization" => "Bearer $api_key",
        "Content-Type" => "application/json",

    formatted_query = Dict("role" => "user", "content" => message)

    messages = push!(chat.messages, formatted_query)

    # Merge the default and keyword parameters
    params = merge(Dict("model" => "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages" => messages), kwargs)

    # Convert the parameters to JSON
    body = json(params)

    # Make a POST request to the OpenAI API endpoint with the query as data
    response = HTTP.post(
        verbose = false,

    # Parse the response body as JSON
    result = JSON.parse(String(response.body))

    # Append the response to chat.messages
    push!(chat.messages, result["choices"][1]["message"])

    # Return the text field of the result as a string
    return result["choices"][1]["message"]["content"]

A quick note about the function name: According to the Julia style guide, we append ! to the names of functions that modify their arguments. Furthermore, inputs that are mutated go before inputs that are not mutated in a function's argument list. The chat function follows both of these conventions.

Giving it a Try

So, does it work? Let's try it out.

chat!(julia_helper, "What are the main differences between a Julia Struct and a Python Class?")
""Both Julia `struct` and Python `class` are used for creating custom data types, but there are some differences between them:\n\n1. **Type stability:** One of the most significant differences is that Julia `structs` have a static and immutable type, which makes them more type-stable than Python `classes`. In contrast, Python classes are more dynamic, meaning that their attributes can be modified at runtime.\n\n2. **Performance:** In general, Julia `structs` have better performance than Python `classes` due to its type-stability, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and parallel processing.\n\n3. **Syntax:** The syntax for defining a Julia `struct` is `struct Name{T<:AbstractType} a::T b::Int end`, while in Python, you define a `class` with `class MyClass: def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b`. \n\n4. **Inheritance:** Both Julia and Python support inheritance, but they have different syntax and behavior. In Julia, you use the keyword ` <: ` to specify that a `struct` is a subtype of another `struct`. In Python, you use parentheses after the class name to indicate which class to inherit from.\n\n5. **Typing:** Julia uses type annotations to specify the type of variables, while Python follows the duck typing philosophy, which means that the type of a variable is determined at runtime based on its behavior.\n\nIn summary, while both Julia `structs` and Python `classes` are flexible and powerful tools for creating custom data types, the main differences lie in their type stability, performance, syntax, inheritance, and typing.""

And does it "remember" earlier parts of the conversation correctly?

chat!(julia_helper, "I only have the attention span for Twitter. Summarize in 280 characters.")
"Julia structs & Python classes are used for custom data types but differ in: \n1. Type stability: Julia is static, immutable; Python is dynamic.\n2. Performance: Julia > Python due to type-stability, JIT compilation & parallel processing.\n3. Syntax: structs use \"struct Name{T} a::T end;\" & classes use \"class MyClass: def __init__(self):\".\n4. Inheritance: Julia uses \"<:\" to specify subtypes; Python uses parentheses for inheritance.\n5. Typing: Julia uses type annotation; Python uses duck-typing."

Well, it's a little longer than I asked for. But clearly we successfully sent the message history in the second API request.

What's next?

There are a few additional avenues I want to explore, in no particular order:

  1. What happens if we counterfeit a message history? That is, what if we send a message history with fake "assistant" messages? Will the assistant mimic the fake responses?
  2. Can we make a Julia REPL mode that gives rapid access to a ChatGPT assistant?
  3. Can we make a (private) replacement for ChatGPT Plus using the ChatGPT API? It would likely be considerably cheaper. And doing it in Julia would be an interesting project.
  4. Can we use the streaming output in Julia? How does that work?

Date: 2023-03-10 Fri 00:00

Emacs 29.3 (Org mode 9.6.15)